Love and relationships at home and work, go flat if we don’t break from the routine. With this in mind I planned a surprise family experience, texting my hubby a time and address to meet. The location was close to his afternoon business appointment, yet 40 minutes from the house, so it was an easy […]
2013 Happiness Jar
On New Year’s Eve most people clink glasses, make resolutions, and skip over pledges made the year prior. We all mean well. Life just gets in the way and we forget what we started out doing 365 days ago. In 2012, I vowed to follow an Eastern path, and attempt to practice “mindfulness.” I failed when our […]
Laugh Baby Laugh
Four babies to one nursing mother is no laughing matter. Bravo to the sleep deprived dad who instigated the contagious giggles that buoyed his family and the millions who have watched this video. Laughter is infectious, but so is yelling. The next time you or your partner have hit the wall and rational conversation is […]
Listen Up
Body language tends to dominate the tone of domestic disputes. Eye rolling, frowning, and gesticulating can mute the message as well as yelling. So listen up. If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, is there sound? Your voice is only realized if your emanating mechanical waves (AKA “sounds”) have been […]