Pajamas have broken out of the bedroom and moved beyond the attire of choice for those early morning dog walks. Fashion designer Rachel Roy recently strolled the red carpet dressed for a slumber party, part of a rising trend to don sleepwear in public. Administrators at the Mount Anthony Union High School in Vermont banned […]
ILYO In The News – Harper Beckham’s Carbon Footprint
The head of Britain’s Population Matters ( chided Victoria and David Beckham for bending the baby curve in the wrong direction. Shortly after the birth of Harper, the 4th of their brood, Simon Ross said, “There’s no point in people trying to reduce their carbon emissions and then increasing them by 100% by having another […]
Stop, In The Name Of Love.
Erik Johansson, Photographer What comes to mind for “caregiver,” a man or a woman? There are many heroic men out there, but let’s face it, more often it’s the female listed in the school nurse’s speed dial. It doesn’t matter if mom is a domestic technician or the CEO of a multinational corporation, she most […]