Looking good is not always good for you. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), has an online database where you can check if your favorite lotions and potions are tame or toxic. Chanel or Revlon? When it comes to quality, you don’t always get what you pay for. Labels touting “organic” or “natural” also offer no safety […]
Antibiotics Cause Divorce
Amazingly, the average U.S. life expectancy in 1900 was 47 and the divorce rate was less than 1%. One hundred years later, lifespan nearly doubled and the divorce rate rose six-fold. The invention of antibiotics was the game changer for longevity. Partnering-once makes sense when you have less than half a century to grow up, […]
Six Pack
We don’t all start out with body beautiful. If your courtship launched with great abs but complacency allowed you to go too soft, the love may still be there but perhaps not the heat. Bait and switch doesn’t work in advertising and it doesn’t work in romance. Somewhere in between having a six pack and […]
Safe Sex For Boomers
Rubber gloves are not just for washing dishes. Safe sex is for everyone, but not everyone thinks about it. In middle school health classes across the country, kids learn about birth control and safe sex. The need to use condoms to prevent sexually transmitted diseases has been drummed into the heads of the Generation X gang. For […]