What does your local Barista and Samantha, in the movie “her” have in common? They both remember personal details, like how you take your morning coffee, giving you a sense of place and belonging.

Irene, the always friendly Barista at the Middletown, RI Barnes and Noble Cafe, elicits customer loyalty.
In the movie “her,” set in futuristic Los Angeles, Theodore is pining away over his failed marriage. Feeling detached and alone, he purchases a new voice activated Operating System for his computer, advertised as an “intuitive entity that listens to you and understands you.”
Like SIRI, his new OS named Samantha (“her”), seamlessly answers all of Theodore’s questions by accessing pertinent digital data. Samantha also stores Theodore’s likes and dislikes, changing voice inflections and behavioral patterns. You could say that Samantha “reads in between the lines”, or just reads all the lines…of code that is.
Without a body to covet, Theodore’s attraction to Samantha the OS, is fueled by an emotional connection founded on dialogue. (It doesn’t hurt that Samantha’s voice is played by Scarlett Johansson.) If you’re wondering how Theodore and Samantha consummate their love, you’ll have to see the film for a lesson in cybersex. That too will get you thinking.
Here’s the big question.
What would happen if “her” was a “him?”
If Theodore’s OS was programmed with a baritone voice named Sam instead of Samantha, would they’ve become best buddies instead of sweethearts? Perhaps this is proof-positive that romantic love is often spawned by what we hope that other person to be, rather than reality. Or you could say that true love is based on friendship first, body second.
One thing I learned for sure….relationships bloom when both parties remain in the receive mode versus transmit only. It’s the perfect recipe for love.
If your modem is faulty, take a simple lesson from Samantha. Learn to listen up! Your ears won’t get you in trouble.
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