Full bodied “goddesses” depicted in Baroque paintings of the 1600s would have trouble getting airtime in our present-day fat phobic culture. Today even Marilyn Monroe, iconic sex symbol of the 1950s, would be subject to a photo shop diet. Twiggy 1967 Fortunately, after decades of aspiring to mimic the Twiggy-thin ideal, the well endowed tush […]
What if HER was a HIM?
What does your local Barista and Samantha, in the movie “her” have in common? They both remember personal details, like how you take your morning coffee, giving you a sense of place and belonging. In the movie “her,” set in futuristic Los Angeles, Theodore is pining away over his failed marriage. Feeling detached and alone, […]
Are You A Bonsai Or Sequoia?
What does the celebrated Red Carpet star have in common with the treasured Bonsai Tree? The Asian art of cultivating perfectly proportioned Bonsai trees, is achieved through surgical pruning. Stunting it’s growth is a balancing act of stressing the tree without killing it, producing exemplary specimens that appear ageless to the untrained eye. The Eastern […]
Six Pack
We don’t all start out with body beautiful. If your courtship launched with great abs but complacency allowed you to go too soft, the love may still be there but perhaps not the heat. Bait and switch doesn’t work in advertising and it doesn’t work in romance. Somewhere in between having a six pack and […]