George S. Eisenberg (1921-2014) I Love You More…was always my father’s response to any of us saying I Love You. In recent weeks when Dad had trouble expressing himself, WE KNEW he was still present when in a faint whisper “Popi” would utter, I love you more. Sometimes I thought my father was too nice…even annoyingly […]
Love Lessons From Goldfish
One of the first lessons in love came from the Cluny County Fair, where our then fifth grade daughter won two goldfish. She proudly left the grounds with “Mariah” and “Carey,” swimming around in a knotted sandwich bag. Days after finding a home on the breakfast counter, Mariah (or Carey?) went belly up. It seemed too soon […]
Laugh Baby Laugh
Four babies to one nursing mother is no laughing matter. Bravo to the sleep deprived dad who instigated the contagious giggles that buoyed his family and the millions who have watched this video. Laughter is infectious, but so is yelling. The next time you or your partner have hit the wall and rational conversation is […]
Stop, In The Name Of Love.
Erik Johansson, Photographer What comes to mind for “caregiver,” a man or a woman? There are many heroic men out there, but let’s face it, more often it’s the female listed in the school nurse’s speed dial. It doesn’t matter if mom is a domestic technician or the CEO of a multinational corporation, she most […]