George S. Eisenberg (1921-2014) I Love You More…was always my father’s response to any of us saying I Love You. In recent weeks when Dad had trouble expressing himself, WE KNEW he was still present when in a faint whisper “Popi” would utter, I love you more. Sometimes I thought my father was too nice…even annoyingly […]
Elizabeth Congdon at Newport Art Museum
Elizabeth Congdon’s wisdom is noteworthy, as are her paintings now on exhibit at the Newport Art Museum through August 12th, 2014. Last year Lizzie, the “Chicken Whisperer”, wrote about love in an I Love You Often Guest Perspective . If you didn’t read her post about painting and amor, you can link to it below. Hopefully “Lizzie” […]
Love Lessons From Repurposed Buttons
Repurposing buttons sparked an insightful lesson in love and relationships. It’s a stretch, although a seemingly logical one, so please stay with me and read on. Whether you’re a jewelry designer, traveling, or just want to organize your bling, using buttons to pair earrings is pretty awesome. It’s especially helpful for those of you who […]
Technology In The Bedroom
Technology enables us to personalize everything from our ring tone to Facebook page and even our side of the mattress. Meeting in the middle in love and relationships is a skill we are evolving out of, perhaps from living in an iWorld. On a recent trip to the mall with my mother and daughter, […]