My parents probably said the same thing during my teen years that I’m uttering today as an adult. “I DON’T GET IT.” Back in the day, we worked hard to hand craft a worn out pair of cut-offs. Using the point of a sewing needle I would painstakingly fringe the bottom of each leg. Some […]
The White Wedding Dress Challenge
The first time I walked down the aisle at 24, I wore a white wedding dress. Way back then it never dawned on me to do otherwise. My only prerequisite was that the dress be void of encrusted “barnacles;” the fancy embellishments that may have caused me to scratch the groom or snag his suit. […]
ILYO In The News: New Year’s Resolutions Revealed
Have you recently committed to battling the bulge, shedding bad habits and reining in the plastic? The top ten list of New Year’s resolutions is pretty much the same year after year, which only proves that meaningful change is a tough nut to crack (duh!). Kim Kardashian made a resolution that may prove to be […]